Saturday, 15 November 2008

a Poem for the childrens day

My friend Pety wrote this

and i want him to get all the credit

A childhood that was
turning back to childhood days

wonder what changed our way
sweets and lunch we shared those days

The hungry we forgot today
Color or Caste we knew not those days

For a religion we kill today
Darkness and ghosts we feared those days

Our crimes in darkness feared today
Enemies and anger never lasted those days

Anger and revenge our thoughts today
Angels and Fairy tales we listened those days

To be rich and famous we dream today
Looking forward to those days

Wonder where we lost our way
Innocent smile and pure heart of those days

To maturity sold today
Yet to the memory of those good days

Let us bring joy to the children today


deeps said...

Pete has penned another wonderful one!
my salam to him ..

N@nc! said...

hi, I arrived to your blog after realy long time because I readed an old comment in my blog about "letting go" so I was reading your new post about children and I realy miss to be child, no worries, happy moments that I had, fortunly I had a happy childhood. But I know, unfortunly, that many of them is not happy.
I realy liked your friend poem, its so sad that we still kill for religion, its so sad that everybody wants to be famous, always, all about money.... but hope still remains .....

deeps said...

ei MJ
why not updates here?

michiko said...

Hi Sweeti san,
I just said Hello.
See you soon,

michiko Johnson said...

I tried again.

Rama Ananth said...

Hi Chika, good to see you here. You can visit my blogs here.

Seth@ChaosHQ's said...

Bravo! What a truly inspiring post. Bless you. They really are our future.